Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Get In Shape For Summer & For Life! Lean Green Mama 'Lose The Weight And Keep It Off' Video #2 Review & $497 Giveaway!

Get In Shape For Summer & For Life! Lean Green Mama 'Lose The Weight And Keep It Off' Video #2 Review & $497 Giveaway!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Have you ever served in the military? (question in honor of Memorial Day)

No, I can not say that I have. I honestly hate war, and am actually quite fearful of it, and wish we didn't have to ever 'go there', even though obviously there are times where we just have no choice. I just hate seeing innocent lives get taken. I wish our troops would come home already! I just wish it didn't have to be this way, and it's been too long in my eyes. I just wish countries, groups of people, nation leaders, EVERYONE, could find a way to work through their problems without having to go to war. I have a lot of family who have served in the past. Hearing some of the stories... UGH...I can't begin to even imagine! I couldn't handle that. I admire the women who are married to such corageous men (The men married to the corageous women also..don't want to leave them out.) I don't know if I could even be that strong at this point in my life. They are our biggest heroes. I'm very proud of them all. God bless them! xoxo

Ask me anything non-offensive of course:)

What was the happiest moment in your life?

I would say the moment my first child was born, but that moment kept getting challenged every time I brought another life into the world. So I'd have to say I have had 4 AMAZING moments, with 5 incredible children, that I honestly could never choose between. It never got played out, and never could, should I have had a thousand more. It feels new and exciting every time. Birthing a child is just incredible..even x's two::) That is twinsanely incredible, lol. My life has been pretty hellish other then that. A lot of struggles and hardships, but even if it had been a terrific bed of roses..nothing would have compared!

Ask me anything non-offensive of course:)

What is your #1 favorite thing about being a mother?

What is your #1 favorite thing about being a mother?

Answer here

Do you live more in the past or the present?

Up until maybe a year, a year and 1/2 ago...maybe it had something to do with the twins' birth that helped me move on, but back then the answer would be that I lived much more in the past. Now I don't feel sorry for myself any longer. Ihave moved on, and definitely live more in the present, though tha past is always near. (Lost loved ones, etc.) I don't repeat my war stories over and over again to the poor hubby like I used to. For that I'm sure he's certainly thankful!

Ask me anything non-offensive of course:)